Chi  Neigong
Master Yang  
   Drinking Heaven 
                 from  Earth   
      Healing by uniting the essence
           of Heaven & Earth Chi 

          opening you to health,
                happiness &  fulfilment

Heaven Dew Neigong Master Yang

Chi Neigong Master Yang unites the essence of Heaven and earth chi 

using traditional chinese 'directed vital energy transmission'. 

Experience the moistening nourishment from Heaven Dew, opening you to 

higher levels of health, happiness & fulfilment.


Be guaranteed to feel, sense and absorb vital energy 

for total body recharging


Heaven Dew Collection Plate 

Chenglupan   Beijing

Absorb 'Heaven dew diamond' chi

What is Neigong?


'Internal movement of energy'


In ancient China, the practise of 'Neigong', was based on the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching; the Jewel of Chinese Wisdom. The purpose of Neigong was to ignite the healing potential within the individual to achieve otherwise unattainable levels of health and vitality.


Around the 3rd century Neigong disappeared from the records of China, however inside the schools, far away from the public eye, the art continued to be taught to selected disciples creating a chain of secret transmission that never ceased to exist.

Neigong includes methods that date back thousands of years aiming to improve  the vital energy (chi) circulating in the body. Derived from principles of alchemy it has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote health, happiness, longevity and expanded mental ability.


Activate latent energy to arouse wisdom”



What is Heaven Dew?


In ancient times it was said that one of the Emperors of the Han Dynasty desired to have a long, long life and be immortal. He would gather dew drops from Heaven, mix that with jade powder to take 

as a medicine in order to achieve his desire.


Emporer Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty erected a bronze statue of the immortal holding a 

collection plate, which is named Chenglupan (receptacle of dew).


Today, erected according to legend, you will find Chenglupan, on the north side of the Qionghua Islet, half way up the hill in Bei Hai Park Beijing. There you will see a white marble pillar carved with a design of coiled dragons, on its top a bronze statue of an immortal facing north, in his two hands he holds the plate for collecting  Heaven dew.

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