Master Yang  
   Drinking Heaven 
                 from  Earth   
      Healing by uniting the essence
           of Heaven & Earth Chi 

          opening you to health,
                happiness &  fulfilment

 New year's Dragon Blessing
& fortunate fengshui connection

Sunday 26th February at 1pm
Suffolk Park Hall (Alcorn St)  Byron Bay Area
$50 at the door
Bookings Essential   (07) 32781451    0409825630

Special 70 minute session with full time, working energy field. 
Receive this powerful Dragon Blessing
   & be guaranteed immediate results...

"Each experience was different & built as we progressed, sharing 
the blessing was very powerful. I feel changed, it's as simple as that"  

Drinking Heaven from Earth
Heaven Dew ~ liquid material power that the whole body drinks

Fresh tasting experience of  'Rebirth'

- Total body recharging
- Harmonise your life
- Fulfil desires
- Improve sexual vitality   -  Impotence / low libido
- Success & protection with fengshui connection

New Year Dragon Blessing
Byron Bay area    26th February 2012

'The energy was warm & alive. I felt much joy even a few tears around the dragon blesing. I feel strong & invigorated.
 Thank you so much'  Annita K

'I felt warm calm energy surrounding me and working on the inside. I became more aware, strong and peaceful. 
Thank you very much it was a wonderful experience'  Abby K

'I felt the energy was alot stronger today moving through my body. It smoothed out the edges and felt soft,moist,nourishing, wholesome & complete. Very supportive, very pleasant, very healing. With the Heaven blessing I could see colour
 flowing in through the head and all through the body. It was amazing!  Justin D

'Energy-very calming, very powerful, very happy'  Dan O

'My hands heated up and I felt a beautiful energy move throughout my body.When I put my hands together above my head
 I felt a huge rush of energy come down through my crown chakra. The pain in my wrists is gone. I feel more at peace. 
I also felt energy move through the sore part of my feet'  Karen E

'At first I wasn't sure, then I felt an inner smile, a big happiness filled my cheeks and head. Later in the class I just felt relaxed.
 I look forward to practicing and noticing the benefits'   Diane F

'I felt a calmness come over me. I also experienced tingling down both legs. Very enjoyable'  Jan T

'Amazing feeling all that energy- heat, tingling, warmth. Another enjoyable session'  Janine C

'Calming, happiness- connection with Universe'   Chris

'Felt like it came in waves. Some heat. Peaceful'    Amber A

'Lightheadedness, feeling of drifting in 7 out of energy field.Drowsiness, stiffness in the neck & bursts of energy. I feel more open to possibilities + more peaceful'    Kathryn D

'Subtle but strong with potential for more practice to be more in tune'   Jay C

'Warm ~ Gentle ~ Subtle
My friend attended your last session here and said thank you. Her life changed completely and she is very happy now'   lauren  J

Drinking Heaven from Bellingen  workshop
Saturday 13th  August 2011
                               'The energy was very euphoric. It has alot of healing power. Was an amazing experience. Thank you!'  Natalie R                                                                           
                                                                                           'Very strong at the start & peaceful' Amy R

                                     ' Movement, warmth & pain. Beautiful smile from Master Yang. His energy is light & joyful'  Clare W

                                          'felt a calmness, and a slight sense of energy moving between my hands. Very pleasant feeling.
                                                                                           I am hoping it will continue'  Diane G

                                         'I could feel energy pulsating through my body and an incredible musk lie perfume scent. 
                                                                          This class was amazing. Thank you'  Leah G

                'It was good. I've had many earlier experiences and I found  that having someone explain what has happened in the past, 
                                                                        will help me in the future. Thank you this has been very helpful'     Ryan M

            "I felt some beautiful energies & saw some beautiful lights shining. My experience was that I became aware that I need to draw up                                                                        more earth energy to allow it to move through my base chakra'       Donna L

                      'I could feel a strong energy in the room before we started. I felt energy moving into my shoulder/back & felt a release. 
                                                                 The  energy I felt in the beginning remained there the entire session'      Ian S

                                                 'Very peaceful, awakening. Rebalanced and in harmony with the Universe again'     Sam M

                                 'Very powerful, right from the first minute & feels it will be moving & unfolding within me on all levels til some
                                                                                                        time to come-  deep thanks'    Sam J

                                                          'Great warmth/heat/happy/loving/life giving. lower back pain has vanished'    Birgit B

                                 'A really good feeling from the time and space there. gentle and powerful at the same time. Very calming- 
                                                             A very simple process  that generated much. For the energy is the power'    Robert M

                                                                                                            'Beautiful light energy'    Sharlene

                                                                                     'Felt very relaxed & could feel the energy in my hand'  Denise E

                              'A physical expansion like being stretched between earth & heaven- particularly heaven- lots of warmth in my body!!   Jen C

                                                                        'Feeling a prescence without seeing anything around me'    Joseph C

                                                                                  'The energy was full on. Loved every minute of it'   Nichelle

                                                      'Buzzing sensation, could definately feel the energy with my body & hands'   Linda M

                                               'Powerful tingling sensations up my feet & all over my body. Light peaceful feeling'   Leesa C

                                   'It started out quite subtle then came through very strong and powerful, moving my hands together and apart, 
                       was an amazing testament to the movement of the very powerful energy. It was a very calming, fulfiling experience,
                                                                     I feel  very at ease & charged. Thank you Master Yang'   Craig W

                                                                                     'Master Yang, a wonderful inspiring man'     Karen M


                          Drinking Heaven from Byron Bay workshop
                                                  Sunday 14th August  2011
                'Warm, soothing, healing. My muscles were really tight, now they have softened. My body has taken in the chi and my                                                                    emotional body too. Chi is a beautiful nurturing energy. Master Yang is lovely'    Lauren J

                               'Light, strong energy, powerful building stronger & stronger colour, bliss, music, sound through feet up leg- 
                                                                              whole body different pains shifting here & there'   Sharon C

                  'I felt the energy straight away, it was smooth, strong and really refined, and very pure. I also smelt the chi at times
                                     throughout the workshop. Very amazing, I am interested in learning more from you'   Justin D

                           'Very relaxing and mind clearing. I could feel the tension easing in my shoulders. Made me feel like laughing'  Judy C

                                                                                     'Very calming and a happy energy'  Jude

                                    'Amazing!. I felt alot of heat in my body & my feet felt glued to the floor. It was beautiful'   Annita K

                                                                         'Warm, uplifting, reassuring, relaxing, nourishing'  Kevin A

                                                     'Absolutely amazing! I could feel the energy go through my entire body'    Janine C

                                                                                                         'Strong energy'    Jennifer B

                                         'like the sun shining on my body from the inside out. most enjoyable experience'    Wendy H

                                     'i felt lighter in my body - happy. feel more confident in my ability to heal myself'   Antoinette

                                            'Centre of hands burning - feeling of being enveloped in light energy'   Dorothy S

                                                        'warm, hot hands soft white light in head. lovely thank you'   Dale R

                                                             'invigorating- uplifting powerful. thank you Master Yang'     Cat

             'I definately experienced the energy within the room and within myself. This is not unfamiliar with me as I connect 
                                           with it daily, however I would like to learn how to unblock life patterns'     Donna R

                                                  "light open filled up, energised & hearty. Bless you Master Yang'     Robyn R

                         'Warmth As a pupil of chi for many years, thank you for a unique experience Master Yang'   Graeme W

                                                                              'Feel energised and floating on home'    Trish F

                           'Beautiful strong/soft opening far wide, sweetly smelling, heart warming. I would like to experience more'      Zoe P

                                       'I found it very balancing and strengthening. Thank you Master Yang, its been lovely to meet you' Jo

                                                                                         'felt the energy, feel lighter'    Eve l

                 'Very warm pink and blue colours- alot of genetic healing towards addictions and deep fears dissolved in a final image 
             of sitting on the lap of a huge warm golden angel with arms around me. Thank you for the beauty of todays experience'   Lynne 

Drinking Heaven from Bellingen  workshop
Saturday 13th  August 2011



                               'The energy was very euphoric. It has alot of healing power. Was an amazing experience. Thank you!'  Natalie R                                                                           
                                                                                           'Very strong at the start & peaceful' Amy R

                                     ' Movement, warmth & pain. Beautiful smile from Master Yang. His energy is light & joyful'  Clare W

                                          'felt a calmness, and a slight sense of energy moving between my hands. Very pleasant feeling.
                                                                                           I am hoping it will continue'  Diane G

                                         'I could feel energy pulsating through my body and an incredible musk lie perfume scent. 
                                                                          This class was amazing. Thank you'  Leah G

                'It was good. I've had many earlier experiences and I found  that having someone explain what has happened in the past, 
                                                                        will help me in the future. Thank you this has been very helpful'     Ryan M

            "I felt some beautiful energies & saw some beautiful lights shining. My experience was that I became aware that I need to draw up                                                                        more earth energy to allow it to move through my base chakra'       Donna L

                      'I could feel a strong energy in the room before we started. I felt energy moving into my shoulder/back & felt a release. 
                                                                 The  energy I felt in the beginning remained there the entire session'      Ian S

                                                 'Very peaceful, awakening. Rebalanced and in harmony with the Universe again'     Sam M

                                 'Very powerful, right from the first minute & feels it will be moving & unfolding within me on all levels til some
                                                                                                        time to come-  deep thanks'    Sam J

                                                          'Great warmth/heat/happy/loving/life giving. lower back pain has vanished'    Birgit B

                                 'A really good feeling from the time and space there. gentle and powerful at the same time. Very calming- 
                                                             A very simple process  that generated much. For the energy is the power'    Robert M

                                                                                                            'Beautiful light energy'    Sharlene

                                                                                     'Felt very relaxed & could feel the energy in my hand'  Denise E

                              'A physical expansion like being stretched between earth & heaven- particularly heaven- lots of warmth in my body!!   Jen C

                                                                        'Feeling a prescence without seeing anything around me'    Joseph C

                                                                                  'The energy was full on. Loved every minute of it'   Nichelle

                                                      'Buzzing sensation, could definately feel the energy with my body & hands'   Linda M

                                               'Powerful tingling sensations up my feet & all over my body. Light peaceful feeling'   Leesa C

                                   'It started out quite subtle then came through very strong and powerful, moving my hands together and apart, 
                       was an amazing testament to the movement of the very powerful energy. It was a very calming, fulfiling experience,
                                                                     I feel  very at ease & charged. Thank you Master Yang'   Craig W

                                                                                     'Master Yang, a wonderful inspiring man'     Karen M


                                                      Drinking Heaven from Pullenvale workshop
                                                                                           Sunday 3rd August 2011
    'Following the 'taste' at the Mind Body Spirit Festival I was much more positive and happy. I felt uplifted.....Today I felt very                                         gentle changes. I feel a 'spiritual' high and serenity'         Margaret K 

                                     -My mind felt very switched-on
                                                    -Very simple + good'                 Kendall S

'I felt instantly relaxed. Then I felt a great sense of love & gratitude circulating throughout my body. I also had tears of joy.  Thank you for sharing'      Renee S

'Felt warmth & the flow of energy. Pain in shoulder blade reduced. Enjoyed the humour.
Very relaxing'      Tess V

'Pulsing light through my body, lightening my spirit.  Thank you'     Andrea G   

'I was in a warm cacoon. I feel healthier now than I did earlier'    John M

"I could certainly feel the energy. Well worth it'  Peter W

'I found it very subtle+soft. I am feeling very calm, with all the usual chatter quiet. My body feels more relaxed & loose with more clarity & focus'     Mary B  

'I felt warmth in areas of my body- feet, stomach and a tingling or buzzing in my pelvis. I am very grateful that Master Yang is sharing his knowledge & expertise & practice of directing chi and opening up our channels'       Sharyn L

'feelings of warmth & tingling. My hip almost moved and relaxed. A very calming experience, I have really  enjoyed it'     Jan S

'The warm peaceful energy radiated through me'     Belinda H

'Energising, flowing. Physically moved at some stages. Thank you so much. I look forward to sharing the energy'     Wendy M

'Peaceful / Warmth / Happiness'    John L

'I felt as I received some energy around my body ups and downs, but sometimes I didn't feel anything'
Rita G

'warmth and sleepy'   Emma B

'Beautiful, strong energy. So much heat. No feeling of time. Last Heavenly Dew healing I still didn't feel as much chi as with the Yin/Yang & Earth- Still wonderful though'   Tricia F

'Some experience in body. Coolness against right hand. Sudden increase of calmness. Buzz in fingers + on lips. At the end of session I felt clearer, calmer + lighter'    Deborah K

'Quite gentle- subtle. Looking forward to experiencing the results of todays seminar/healing. Master Yang's english was quite good and explanations easy to follow'   Pat L

'All I wanted to do was sleep. I fell at peace, calm'      Wayne S

'I felt something warm, hard to explain'     Lizzie Y

'Great. Felt warmth & flow through body, hands & head. Different from previous Qigong experience. Enjoyed the session, thank you'    Kendall B

'Very different from other Qi gong. Empowering'    Tim

'Expanded sense/feeling of Oneness with all. An air-spinning feeling in my head'    Nevin R

'Very strong, heavy swirling powerful from above & below. Reached very deep peaceful state'    Stacy E 


Testimonials following   Robina Gold Coast  12th Feb 2011

'deep relaxation, feeling tingling in my hands & arms. My body felt heavy & glued to the spot. From the first moment I knew it was real & I felt the energy immediately'    Janice K

'I could feel it strongly around my head, cradling my head & jaw. I could feel a silver curtain in front of me shimmering. Thank you, I love your chi sessions. Please come back soon'  Abby Swan

'Felt enormous inner peace. Very powerful energy. I have been confused lately & felt clarity & a new direction I want to go in'

'Wonderful. I could feel it healing my gall & heart, also joint pain left, I feel more clear headed. I know that this was a powerful healing'     Carolynn Milne

'Amazing! I could feel my energy increase around my heart, my 3rd eye could start to move'

'It was very pwerful. I felt the room was calm when I arrived. Each experience was different & built as we progressed. Sharing the blessings was very powerful, it travelled to many. 
I feel changed, it is as simple as that. Thank you'     Gail R

'Deep peace- felt like deep sleep. Brought pain to the surface, I didn't know I had- gone now'

'It was an enlightening experience. I have been training Kungfu on & off for 11 years- I have now learnt some internal & external things. I thoroughly enjoyed Master Yang's seminar'    Jack  Teamo

'I felt warmth throughout my body and wanted to stretch out'

                            Heaven Dew Fengshui Seminar
                                 Robina Gold Coast      Saturday 12th March 2011
Photographs taken on the day showing the progressive building of Heaven Dew Fengshui 

                1. The start of Master Yang's 90 minute
                       Heaven Dew Fengshui Seminar
               'cloud like' building of Heaven Dew Fengshui

            3.  Building...building, darker purple beam
                    2.  More cloud , appearing purple in colour
             4.  'Catching up'  Heaven Dew Fengshui as it builds &    drops to support your desires. Note the more extensive 'cloud'
 & purple colour

Testimonials received following the Robina Seminar 12th March

'Today when feeling the chi between my hands I could feel it moving like a flexible bubble with a mind of its own. Again felt my head straighten and warmth-sensitive on top of my arms and neck. Thank you for sharing'

'Very gentle & warming. I feel loved, cared for and relaxed. My head is warm. My hands feel very warm. 
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us'

'Optomistic. Felt relaxed at end'

'Very strong energy in hands & feet'

'Huge heat & sweat(dew) on my hands and feet(and body) as usual. Inside and outside of my body are 
shaking and shivering when the chi moved in'

'Stronger. I am more sensitive to it-relaxing, tired, sleepy, then energy clearer, fuller, more cheerful, 
pleasant, kept building up more ease, a want for more, all my life'

'More tingling in hands and feet & top of head. I felt soft & velvety. I feel loved. I also felt 'popping' in certain places around my body. Thank you'

'This is the second time I have seen Master Yang and I am definately feeling and understanding 
the Qi the way of learning and teaching'

'Stronger heart beat. Felt lift in energy. Body tingling. Enjoyable'

'I was very tired then felt very energised at the end'

' Alot has happened to me this last month & I have done alot of processing. Today has helped with 
clearing + integration thank you. Very interesting to learn more'

'Strong. There was tingling all over & through my body. I saw purple flashes & silver flashes with my eyes. Thanks, many thanks. It was beautiful'

Relaxing=great. Hoping to prepare for my next stage-journey. I gained a key today. Thank you'

Drinking Heaven from Sydney workshop

Testimonials from seminars held in capital cities & regional areas throughout Australia

'The chi was nurturing, relaxing, healing. I had some pain that just went away. I could see more clearly, it made me feel blisful, euphoric. A wonderful experience'

'I have been trying to fall pregnant for more than one year. In the month that followed the seminar, I was pregnant! 
I truly believe the healing, clearing & energy was the reason for this beautiful result'

'I feeel much lighter, my mood has lifted. A sense of calmness pervades my being. I am truly grateful for this opportunity. Thank you Master Yang'  

'Brilliant colours and flashes. Great feeling of well being, like a burst of sunshine inside,

'I felt like a weight had been lifted from my heart'

'Very strong, can feel the vibrations now. Loved the energy shower'

'Very calming, helped remove pain in my lower back. I have benefitted since the first time I met you, sleeping better, able to focus & plan better'    

'My mind became clear, feelings of happiness'

'Incredibly peaceful, strong feelings, all worries dissolved- serene, happy'

'I noticed it as soon as I sat down in the feet & legs, I also felt the Heavenly Dew falling onto me. It was wonderful'

'Very intensely beautiful. Stong, hot, gentle moving through the body. Invigorating, amazingly light and alive. Blessings & gratitude'

'Since meeting Master Yang my son has made remarkable improvement at school not only in his grades but teachers have commented on his changed behaviour. He is loving & more affectionate'

'Life has changed in many ways, I feel transformed, life gets easier. Difficulties just seem to dissolve'

'I feel stronger, more confident, healthier. I look & feel younger, my skin feels different'

'Bliss, peace, happiness, healing, humility, gratitude. Master Yang is a true heart Master'

'I have met many high level Spiritual leaders, Masters & Rinpoches. A more powerful healer than Master Yang you will not meet'

'A very intense ocean of energy, from the past session my life has improved beyond belief, thank you with all my heart'

'Beautiful. I feel so relaxed, centred & calm. I am very graeful Master Yang. My heart, my body, my family, my work are all inproving steadily'