      Violet Flame 
    Heaven Dew Healer
         Master Yang   

            Neigong Chi Transmission
              Healing by uniting the essence
                            of Heaven & Earth Chi                                             
                                   opening you to 
                   health, happiness  &  fulfilment

'Miracle In a Blink'

From: Annette Nightingale <anightingale8@iinet.net.au>

To: chimaster@masteryang.net 

Sent: Sunday, 25 March 2012 12:09 AM

Subject: thankyou

Hello Master Yang.  I am just emailing you to thank you for the wonderful seminar today.  I sat with you and you told me information and I appreciated it very much.  But I forgot to thankyou.


I did find it a little bit hard to understand you, so I was hoping I could get you to go through the details on an email as I would like to have it clarified a little bit.... I have been sick and in hospital lately. 

Again thank you for today and see you next time.



Annette Nightingale

From: Annette Nightingale <anightingale8@iinet.net.au>

To: chimaster@masteryang.net 

Sent: Saturday, 7 April 2012 6:31 AM

Subject: thankyou

Hello Masteryang, I am just emailing to thankyou for your help.  I have felt the healing energy you have sent me and I have never felt this joyous about life before.  The last few days I have had such a tremendous feeling of joy about being alive and being where I am.  I am so much happier and relaxed.


Again thankyou

Warmest Regards

Annette Nightingale 

From: Annette Nightingale <anightingale8@iinet.net.au>

To: chimaster@masteryang.net 

Sent: Monday, 30 April 2012 2:57 PM

Subject: healthy

Hello Masteryang, I have had my appointments with the Oncologist and Liver Specialist and they are both amazed at how all of my bloodtests have come back 100% pefect.  They want me to come back in 6 weeks with more bloodtests done as they can't understand how it could change so quickly.


I told them how. I told them I had healing from you. Thankyou Masteryang, now I can look forward to having many more years with my children. 

In much gratitude 

Annette Nightingale


From: Annette Nightingale <anightingale8@iinet.net.au>

To: chimaster@masteryang.net 

Sent: Monday, 7 May 2012 4:19 AM

Subject: healing

Hello Masteryang, I am just wanting to thankyou for healing me. The Oncologist told me on Thursday my platelets were back to normal and my cells were regenerating back to normal.  I was told by the Oncologist a month ago I had cancer but he hadn't worked out which specific cancer it was.  He was talking about organising me to have a bone marrow check up after my bloodtests last week and now I don't have to.


The Gastroenterologist saw me on Monday and as soon as I walked into his room he said "you are fixed".  Everything is back to normal.  Both of these doctors were surprised by how quickly everything had turned around for me.  Now I don't have to have a Liver Biopsy. The Specialists were amazed that I had gone from so sick to know completely healthy in 4 to 5 weeks.


I have energy again, I am sleeping better, I look healthier than I have in a long time. I haven't had the all over body aches and overwhelming fatigue that was with me for the last few months.  People are remarking on how well I look now.


I also am looking forward to life now. I am not despondant, anxious and fearful like I was not so long ago.  I have come so far in the short time I have had the Chi Healing from you. 


Again thankyou so much for healing me.


Warmest regards


Annette and her children

Annette may be contacted  +61 2 66943183

 Unbeleivable Results

About 12 months ago, I was dragged along to a seminar to listen to a guy by the name of Master Yang talk about energy healing. While this guy was speaking in english with a very heavy accent, coupled with my loss of hearing, I was only able to understand about 50 % of what he said, plus a fair ammount of pain, left me to wonder why I attended. At half time I was pleased to be able to take a toilet break, however during my walk to the exit, I discovered that I was not in any pain(most unusual). This convinced me to to hear the rest of the meeting, which resulted in being pain free for the next six months. Since then, I have tried to entice Master Yang to visit the area again without success, so I was very happy and surprised to see an ad in in the Noosa News for his forthcoming visit on April 27th which will be well worth attending.

Don Shepley

Don who was in his middle 70's at the time, wrote this article for the Noosa News to share his 'unbeleivable result'
 having suffered cancer for more than 8 years


09-June 11

Posted 15 June 2011 - 04:06 AM

Hi all,

In May my girlfriend and I went to the Mind, body and spirit expo in Sydney, Australia. It was quite interesting but the vast majority of stalls there seemed rather bogus -- though we did have the privilege of listening to a Tibetan Llama chant in the name of world peace and prosperity.

We were about to leave then I saw an average looking asian man, dressed in modest clothing and drinking what looked like green tea from a transparent thermos, sitting by himself. For some reason I found myself staring... after perhaps 3 seconds he looked up and gestured for us to meet him. He asked for hands, glanced at them, asked if I did martial arts (I found out later that he was referring to meditation -- his english is not fantastic) then pointed to my stomach and said "damage! hurt!" A month or so beforehand I had been to a specialist about a protein leak. He said that he saw that I had done meditation..... After this he looked at my girlfriend and said in an intensely concerned voice "YOU CANNOT SLEEP!" At this point she and I were absolutely stunned because that was completely true! She slept maybe 4 hours a night. He asked us to come back at 12pm then sent us away.

Excited and nervous we went back to him. He told us that he cannot work inside in such a congested area so he took us out into the lobby which was very open and large. We were told to hold our palms facing toward him as he projected his energy. He wondered off what was about 70 metres away and pointed his sword fingers at us. A gentle warmth began to permeate throughout my stomach and kept warming until he gestured that we put our hands down to our sides. We then just sood for a while, relaxing, and I felt tingly all over... mostly my stomach. At the end he told us to look at our hands and fingers -- clear bright red lines in each finger were visible -- he said these were our meridians and that the energy would continue to work for a period of time.

After we went back inside we spoke for a short while about his Heaven Dew neigong meditation. He then promised that my partner would sleep like a baby and left.


Here is his website -- http://masteryang.net/home.html

Does anyone here have any experience with this man? 

What do you think of him?



From: Maya Aimann <maya.aimann@gmail.com>
Date: 14 May 2012 19:38
Subject: One distance healing & I no longer smoke!

Dear Master Yang,

When I first came to see you I had been in therapy for over 10 years [for depression ] .I was addicted to cigarettes and had smoked between 10 and 30 cigarettes a day for over 20 years.I had given up several times ,but always started smoking again.My health was rapidly deteriorating. And I had given up hope and was caught in a vicious cycle. Requesting your help was one of the wisest decisions of my life.

When you sent me the  Himalaya chi, I could feel the healing chi entering my body as I breathed, and an amazing feeling of comfort and peace filled me. I felt so uplifted, so calm and quiet inside...that I have not wanted a cigarette since if the desire to smoke arose I simply invoked the element of air and the desire quickly passed. I am astounded and overjoyed at the ease of stopping smoking. I feel my heart and lungs clear and strong and now I am full of joy and enthusiasm for life.
My children are so happy to have a healthy and joyful mum. I am truly and deeply grateful  ,thank you.

+61 427248697

Posted 28 June 2011 - 12:29 AM

Hi All,

I came across a discussion on here today regarding Master Yang, with loads of questions about what he does etc etc. Unfortunately I didn't have access to reply to that forum so I'm replying this way.

I recently had the great fortune of meeting Master Yang at the Sydney Mind Body & Spirit Expo. It was such an amazing experience I feel compelled to tell you about it as it is extremely rare to meet someone of his high spiritual level. 

Master Yang approached me and asked me to hold out my hands and asked if it was ok to read my pulse. I was ok with it. He began to give me details of my past, even to the point of an argument I had experienced 10 days before! I was amazed with his insight and accuracy. He then asked me to hold up my hands as my energy needed alignment. With just a wiggle of his finger I began to feel my whole body go through a transformation. For the next three hours I was in a completely expanded state of awareness and felt as though my body was going through an energy restructure. I had more energy than ever! 

Then the amazing stuff happened. My third eye began to buzz intensely and I began to get visions for people walking by. I have always percieved information for people but it has never been clear enough to be sure of it. After Master Yang had perfomed the energy alignment on me, I began to see it all so clearly - like the curtain had been pulled apart and I could see everything. I began to give people messages that I felt strongly that I should share with them. One woman thanked me as she had asked for a clear sign that day and the message I had given her was the answer she was seeking. Just amazing.

Since then my life has just been getting better and better. People are asking me for guidance. I offer it when it comes to me. I feel as though my vibration is higher and I'm even more sensitive to energy now. Life is absolutely amazing and I'm constantly in awe of what we can experience if we only allow ourselves to. It's all about being positive and having faith.

If you get the opportunity to meet Master Yang in Brisbane, Sydney or even Melbourne I would recommend it as one of the most important things you can do for yourself. He is a true gift to this Earth.

Check him out: http://masteryang.net/home.html

Love & Light to all xx 

After going through the frustration and anguish of slowly losing my hearing to the extent of missing conversations and having been told by hearing specialists that they could do nothing, I asked Master Yang if he could help.  The result was profound and I was delighted.  Within a number of sessions my hearing returned to normal frequency.

I had also, after smoking for 45 years, tried to quit numerous times but without success.  Again, with help from Master Yang, I have now successfully beaten the addiction.  We are both truly grateful to Master Yang for the far reaching effects of his healings which have brought harmony and happiness to our family.

Johan & Monika H.
From: Annette Nightingale <anightingale8@iinet.net.au>
To: masteryang <chimaster@masteryang.net> 
Sent: Tuesday, 22 May 2012 2:43 PM
Subject: health

Hello Masteryang, just emailing to let you know about some more health problems I had that are now becoming so much better.
I went to a knee surgeon at John Flynn hospital this year in February and he informed me I have the knees of a rugby player. I have no cartilage left in the knees, essentially it is bone on bone. He told me I was too young to have knee replacements yet and I was to pool walk and have physio on my knees to help me get another 10 years out of my knees.
I have 5 steps at my house front and back and I have had to be careful going up and down these steps as my knees were so weak. My knees could go out so easily so I always walked cautiously.
Last week I was walking up the steps carrying heavy articles and it dawned on me that I hadn't been able to do this before. I always had to get the kids to do it for me.  Here I was with a heavy load and walking up the steps easily. I did it 3 times and my knees were fine. They were strong again.  I was so surprised with how my knees were.
I hadn't been focusing on my knees, I'd forgotten about them with everything else to think about.  But now they are feeling so great I am going to try out a game of tennis to see how they go. And start walking again.
Thankyou so very much Masteryang, my knees are becoming strong again and I can start to exercise now. I'll let you know how they cope with the exercise.
Again thankyou so much, because of you I am getting my life back.  Thankyou thankyou thankyou.
God bless you Masteryang
      Bookings & Inquiries   chimaster@masteryang.net