      Violet Flame 
    Heaven Dew Healer
         Master Yang   

            Neigong Chi Transmission
              Healing by uniting the essence
                            of Heaven & Earth Chi                                             
                                   opening you to 
                   health, happiness  &  fulfilment

'Violet Flame'
Heaven's Visit
                                                The Violet Flame or Cosmic Ray has the qualities of 
        Transmutation, Transformation, Freedom , Mercy, Forgiveness, Ceremony, Justice & Alchemy......

                                 Saints and adepts throughout the ages have known how to use the Violet Flame, but earlier this century it was 
                       brought into our awareness through our understanding of the Ascended Master & Alchemist St Germain. Violet has the                                                           highest frequency in the visible spectrum, but as the Seventh Cosmic Ray it has a unique & special energy.


Connecting with Heaven's violet flame from Earth

The following photos were taken at Seminars with a digital camera

'Finger Sword' immediately opening Meridians.....

Communication with Heaven Dew, using this very specific frequency of chi, seen as blue diamond
Showering of Heaven's fortunate reward- everyone receives this....
Drinking Heaven together....